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Yes, Virginia. There ARE albino Snapping Turtles...PIC!!

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Posted by animals4education on May 02, 2003 at 19:13:32:

Such is the stuff of folklore...

Last year, a friend from St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada was asked by a fellow fisherman, "Did you see that big, white turtle swimmin' over there earlier?". He sure did. His incredible sighting had now been corroborated...

The little gem pictured was one of two that hatched from a nest partially destroyed by some predator(s) last year in Middlesex County in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Also, as mentioned in the opener, one adult was spotted by my friend and his fellow fishers in neighbouring Elgin County last summer >>> just goes to show: despite the opinion of some skeptics, a precious few amelanistic Chelydra s. serpentina DO survive in the wild to reach adulthood! A friend - the Species-At-Risk biologist with our local conservation authority - and I look forward to seeing more remarkable chelonians during our upcoming excursions...

NEXT STORY: A leucistic Common Snapper found by Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources some 20 years ago...Stay tuned!

- gatorboy

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