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Can I get an educated guess? PIC inside

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Posted by kephy on May 02, 2003 at 12:24:37:

In Reply to: Can I get an educated guess? PIC inside posted by nathana on May 02, 2003 at 12:13:13:

There is definately a naval present. I tend to think he's on the older end of the spectrum, just because he seems to have things all figured out, turtle wise.

We kinda like having the guy around, he's so much fun to care for, but I do want to release him eventually. I like this experience of taking care of him and watching his behavior.

Is there any chance that the longer we keep him, the less chance he'll have in the wild? On one hand, I think he'd have a better chance if he were a little bigger when we release him, right now he's food size for any animal looking for a snack, and I've gotten kind of attached to the little guy I don't want to worry about him. But on the other hand, if keeping him for a month or so will reduce his chances of survival as a wild animal, I don't want to take that chance. Is there any kind of "taming" that takes place in captivity that will prevent him from having good survival instincts in the wild?

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