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Caution about feeder fish

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Posted by Bill Moss on October 30, 2002 at 22:53:11:

In Reply to: solution posted by sk8r009 on October 30, 2002 at 14:54:56:

Many fish, including catfish, contain the enzyme thaiminase. Thaminase blocks thiamine (Vit. B1) and will build up over time. The effects of this can be paralysis. The carp family is particularly bad in this regard and thats why goldfish (members of the carp familiy) are such a terrible choice but one that is far too common because people don't know better.

In addition, fatty fish, especially frozen, cause a vit. E deficiency caused by an excess of polyunsaturated fats over a long period of time. The results are muscle dystrophy and steaditis, a potentially fatal condition.

I draw this information from my knowledge of crocodilian dietary requirements but have no reason to presume that it is any less important to all turtles. These are very real concerns to a variety of people involved with captive husbandry of animals, be it pets or or farm raised fur bearing animals.

There is much information on thiaminase on the internet. One resource that I have linked here is actually involved with the diet of foxes but the information is no less valid. Note that fish known to contain thiaminase are listed first, followed by fish that do not.


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