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Home Depot Sheeting

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Posted by Maxx MacLeod on April 05, 2003 at 23:12:49:

In Reply to: OT Maxx what's the home depot stuff called? posted by bloomindaedalus on April 04, 2003 at 20:51:13:

Okay, it's called "FRP Wall Panel". It comes in 4 foot by 8 foot sheets. The price in Minnesota is: $19.98 per sheet. The Home Depot sku number is: 121-586. Any Home Depot in the U.S. can look up this sku in their computer and tell you which stores carry it. I ran into a couple of opinions on what "FRP" actually stands for but the majority opinion at the Depot was "Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic". This stuff is most definitely water proof and since it's fiberglass on the outside, it's safe for turtles and fish. It's wimpy stuff though so it's best used for building a wood tank and gluing this stuff to the inside (using silicone for the seams). You can cut it using a saw, tin snips, or scoring it with a blade and then breaking the seam. (Score it on the bumpy, hard, fiberglass side...the side that faces the water.) I've built several simple wood tanks out of the stuff and it works great! Plus, since it's white, it reflects light so it's easier to keep plants going and it reflects more of your expensive herp lighting into the tank for your turtles. I hope that helps! --Maxx

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