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Re: Tank size alligator snapper

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Posted by MikeST on March 26, 2003 at 08:47:16:

In Reply to: Re: Tank size alligator snapper posted by MikeST on March 26, 2003 at 08:43:40:


::Can anybody tell me what the minimum tank size should be where I can keep 2 alligator snapper hatchling for say the next ten years? Would I need a big basking area?

Forgot one thing. I don't have a basking light. Once in a while my little guys will get out . But for the most part , they don't. I just have a regular 40 watt bulb on the tank thats on a timer .

:: I honestly wouldn't think of it in terms of a tank that will work for 10 years. Your snapper is going to be quite a bit bigger and need a lot more space than it does now.
:I'm not an expert; but here's how I raise my hatchlings and the last 3 years batches are doing great.
:Right now the small guys are in a 20 long tank. I got it at Pet-Co. They called it a turtle tank because one of the sides is shorter. Its nice because you can use an outside filter with a lot shallower water.

:My water depth on the small guys is only about 5". I've seen feed-back of people that keep it at 8-10" . That will work fine, but I always believe that with newer animals and fish; I like to make it easier to get the food. I don't want them to have to work too hard for it till they get a little bigger and hardier.
:I never use any gravel in my snapper tanks. They're just too dirty and it makes it a lot easier to clean . Just a few nice rocks and some plants .
:There is no reason to put them in a large tank that will work ten years from now. Thats way too much space.
:My yearlings are currently in a 30 gallon long tank, and they have more than enough space for the next year or so.
:Hope this wasn't confusing. E-mail me direct with any more questions.I'll try to post a picture tomorrow.
::Can you post a picture of your tank so I can get an idea?

::Thanks in advance.



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