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Re: I need some help with my setup... Could you show me pics? ->

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Posted by Lacy on February 26, 2003 at 17:53:47:

In Reply to: Re: I need some help with my setup... Could you show me pics? -> posted by Accomplice on February 24, 2003 at 09:33:54:

Thanks, I upped the temperature just a little. I searched for pictures but I didn't find any baby snapping turtle indoor aquariums. Mostly RES and stuff... Should he be able to sit on the bottom and reach above the surface to breathe, or should he have to swim up to the top? It's pretty deep, but the basking rock has many levels and he is able to sit on it and reach the surface. Is this okay, or should I still lower it?


:If you click on 'free photo gallery' at the top of this page you can run searches for keywords like 'snap' or 'turtle tank' which likely brings up a few enclosure pics. Minnows are probably better than goldfish. The best water temp is probably 75-78(F).

::My common snapper hatched about 4 1/2 months ago.
::I have him in a 20 gallon aquarium with a few fish (and a cool snail to eat the algea that isn't there...) I have a top fin 20 filter, a top fin tank heater (I have it at about 72/75F too cold? too hot? just right?) some aquatic plants and river rock on the bottom. I have a reptisun 5.0 UVB light on him. He has a spot where he can easily get out of the water and bask, although he's never done it.
::Does all this sound okay? Do I need to change/add anything?
::I am feeding him baby reptomin, little gold fish, little pinches of beef heart, and small crickets. Is all this okay? I just started giving him fish about a month ago. I read on here that gold fish aren't the best thing by themselves, but with the other things I'm feeding are they okay? Are minnows better? What should I get?
::He is growing SO fast! I used to feed him the reptomin w/ my fingers, but he started snapping at my fingers when ever he saw them and I don't think that would work out too well when he's bigger!!
::I would love to see pictures of the indoor setups for snappers. Thank you to all who reply.


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