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More on Thiaminaze, Please Answer.

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Posted by karaapo on February 16, 2003 at 00:57:23:

In Reply to: Re: Okay, I shouldn't feed goldfish. But WHY? posted by Bill Moss on February 11, 2003 at 19:27:17:


The way you have answered the question, systematically and thoroughly is impressive, and helpful so that people can learn w/o making the mistakes. So, I wanted to ask you what happens when fish like smelt, mackerel, etc. are frozen. 1. Does the process of freezing deplete the thiamine content? Is thiaminaze enzyme involved here too, or just the freezing process? 2. Also what other fish, other than goldfish are considered fatty fish that contain thiaminaze, and what is the biological purpose for the goldfish to contain thiaminaze?
3. Lastly, are there other fish other than fatty fish which also contain thiaminaze?

Can I store thout chow in the freezer? How about the fridge?
Thank you so much.

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