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Re: One more thing...

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Posted by SteveH on February 12, 2003 at 23:02:38:

In Reply to: One more thing... posted by Dinobot711 on February 11, 2003 at 20:06:56:

:I already posted about getting a stock tank for my common snapper and i'm not worried about the tank being to big for him but i am also going to be getting a baby ally snapper and wanted your opinion on housing him. When I switch my common to the stock tank, I'll either move my 2 big fish to the snappers old 75gallon and have a 55 open or leave the fish were they are and have the 75 open. My question is would either of those tanks work for a baby snapper? The tanks would have low water of course but i didn't know if it would just be too hard for him to find food or anything like that. If I do some more switching I could have a 20 long open but i'd rather let the snapper have the room to grow into if that would be ok for him. And would the reptisun bulbs be able to reach the ally snapper through the water's surface or is there any other way to get them UV other than bringing them outside? Again I'm sorry for so many questions but I just want to make sure I do everything right. Thanks!

300gal. sounds good for your bigger snapper. for baby a.snapper the 20gal. would be better. i'm not sure that snappers need the uv light. Check out Lynns home made filter(1-11 on this forum)

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