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Re: OH NO!!

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Posted by blkwido on February 11, 2003 at 23:29:38:

In Reply to: OH NO!! posted by BlueIguana2003 on February 11, 2003 at 19:11:24:

They are pretty easy to care for... if you are just housing it until you can find it a good home, keep the tank simple.
They eat everything.. I have a Common Snapper and an Alligator snapper. They each have different hunting styles, but are fed the same foods.
Feeder fish are easy to use, I just dump a bunch in the tank, and the turtles take care of them. I also use Reptamin pellets, crickets, wax worms, etc....
If its a common snapper, they actively go after their food... the alligator snapper is more of a sit and wait hunter. (They have a worm-like tongue used as a lure)
Make sure if you use an underwater heater, have a prtective cover on it, so he doesn't break it.
Also, turtles are VERY dirty... have excellent filtration and/or feed in a seperate container.
(BTW, they can be kept in just water, and don't "need" a land area, but its nice to offer one)

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