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BTS Feeding Question

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Posted by kiwisue on May 20, 2003 at 07:06:51:

In Reply to: BTS Feeding Question posted by thussey3 on May 02, 2003 at 15:37:27:

:I acquired a sub-adult BTS about 3 weeks ago. It is very active and seems very healthy. I have not been successful with feeding at all, however. Here are things I've tried that it has completely ignored:

:Frozen mixed veggies, kale, romaine, collard greens, orange, banana, mango, waxworms, mealworms. The store I purchased it from was only feeding it science diet canned cat food (which I know is bad). I've tried that and it has been ignored as well.

:The only thing I have had success with is hard-boiled egg whites. It loves them! I don't feel it is a habitat or heating issue. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Tim - have only just seen your post, but thought i would reply anyway. I too have a baby BTS and what she loves to eat the most is snails and slugs. The snails have to be fairly small, overwise she can't get her jaws around them and they escape to the top of the cage (semi crushed but alive and frothing and leaving as fast as they can...) Typically she isn't interested in veges or fruit if she has meat - but i've read that BTS should have 60% plant and 40% meat diets, so sometimes I leave just veges with her and if she's hungry enough she'll eat them! She likes pureed fruit baby food too.

But slugs seem to be the go, for my Miss Lizzy anyway. Don't know if they can eat any kind - i live in Australia so the ones i find are probably the kind she would eat in the wild. Make sure they haven't been exposed to snailbait etc.
Hope yours is eating fine now.

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