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A lady never discusses her weight....

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Posted by icequeen on May 10, 2003 at 09:47:15:

buuuut...since we really don't know if Dill is a boy or a girl...I GUESS I can tell you....

Dill weighs in at 390 grams.

To me, she seems thinnnn...unless the pics I see on line are of overly pudgy PTS!
Last night I had a hell of a time getting her meds into her...I wrap her in a tea towel to try and keep her feet from flailing around...but last night...she flipped right over onto her back!! Of course that's right when she opened her mouth, and in went the medicine!
I'm worried it went somewhere it shouldn't of, with her in that position! It sounded like she burped afterward, and like it went up her nose! I hope she didn't aspirate any!!!!

As I mentioned before, right now I keep a white bedsheet on the bottom of Dills provide a better grip than a bare floor would, also to prevent anything from sticking to her toes, but the primary reason was to keep an eye out for those pesky snake mites! Anyway...usually when I mist Dills tank, she buries her head under a fold in the she's trying to hide. This morning though...I moved her out of her hide, and started misting...and she stayed put! And drank, and drank! Now she's eating some purreed green beans, I blend them with some water just to make sure she's getting fluid...but if she's finally going to start drinking on her own..maybe I can start leaving her food a little chunkier, rather than baby food consistancy.

ohhhh...she's gone back to bed now. lazy lizard!

She shows absolutely NO interest in pathos leaves at all. I've tried chopping them, and just tearing them to let some of the smell out...but still nothing. I put a beautiful full pathos plant in with her the other day, and now she won't go to that end of her tank at all. I was hoping it would encourage her to munch on it whenever she felt peckish.

Well...I'm off to the stores to get some more goodies for my critters...oh yeah...and a birthday present for my son...can't forget that! (it's in if I forgot...I'd still have time)

Bye for now Brian!
And THANK YOU for allllll of your help and concern!!!!


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