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?'s about: unshed bands of skin...and not eating for 2 days.

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Posted by Brian-SFCRC on May 08, 2003 at 07:24:13:

In Reply to: ?'s about: unshed bands of skin...and not eating for 2 days. posted by Brian-SFCRC on May 05, 2003 at 06:55:28:

No, I haven't soaked any good dead 'skink's lately. That typo is a classic!

:HI Kim, It's Brian.

:Have you tried soaking the dead skink to soften it? It sounds like Dill has gone through much dehydration during her Ontario experience. You might want to get a partner for this-after softening, carefully cut the banded dead skin with a razor blade and with applied water to soften it underneath as you peel, you should be able to remove it. How is Dill functioning with her missing toes? Is she able to climb at all? Try increasing the humidity in her enclosure which might induce feeding. I have found Corucia will fast for a time if the Humidity drops. If you find it necessary to forcefeed, to reduce stress for you and Dill, use green beans. The Reason: The cylindrical shape will go down easier and quicker- which is what you want. Has she been Vet- checked? She may still harbor pathogens and parasites.

:Please post Dill's progress or E-mail Sherri or Me.

:Good Luck,



::I have had a PTS (named Dill) since Easter weekend. She is the one I posted awhile back about that is missing so many toes.
::The question I have do I deal with the couple bands of skin still left on her toes?

::The one I am most concerned about is very tight on her front toe, it bleeds slightly sometimes when she is using her feet aggressively (such as trying to get out of her bath!)but I have not seen any pus like discharge. The nail on the tip of the toe doesn't grow, and is deformed, the tip of the toe itself is much paler than the rest of her foot, and it does appear to be slightly puffy.

::Do I just leave it alone at this point and let nature take its course? Do I try to remove it? If so...HOW?? It's so tight, and she gets really aggitated when I try to touch her feet at all...and I don't blame her!

::How do I prevent this from happening again?

::Also...she hasnt really eaten for the last two days. This morning she nibbled a bit on some sweet potatoes...and yesterday she had a couple bites of cantaloupe melon but other than that it's been two days since she had a really good feed. Should I be concerned? She's been a good eater since I've gotten her...but could that of been just because she was ravenous then, and now she knows there's a constant supply of fresh food, and she's relaxed about it a little bit?


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