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BTS Feeding Question

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Posted by Brian-SFCRC on May 03, 2003 at 00:22:00:

In Reply to: BTS Feeding Question posted by thussey3 on May 02, 2003 at 15:37:27:


Hi Tim,

At the SFCRC, we have 5 BTS. I love Blue-Tongues very much but they can be a real pain to feed. They are the 'cats' of the skink world in being finicky. Ours live up to the reputation. They will eat and then not eat for days on end. they will eat one item with gusto and next time will have nothing to do with it and demand something else. One thing is certain, throw the cat food away. they may be compared to cats but the food is not good for them. The protein level is too high.


Patience, patience patience,-variety, variety, variety.

moistened dry dog food for older adult dogs, Crickets, supermealworms (occasional only), grapes, cantalope, eggs (as Justin suggested),banana, etc. You will not find them to be consistent daily feeders. Ours are offered food every other day and it's always a different combo.

Yes, they are a headache to feed. but their gentleness (with humans anyway) and cool looks make up for it.

Good luck and please post how you do.


:I acquired a sub-adult BTS about 3 weeks ago. It is very active and seems very healthy. I have not been successful with feeding at all, however. Here are things I've tried that it has completely ignored:

:Frozen mixed veggies, kale, romaine, collard greens, orange, banana, mango, waxworms, mealworms. The store I purchased it from was only feeding it science diet canned cat food (which I know is bad). I've tried that and it has been ignored as well.

:The only thing I have had success with is hard-boiled egg whites. It loves them! I don't feel it is a habitat or heating issue. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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