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Blind PTS (long sorry :-) )

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Posted by J-Cal on May 02, 2003 at 22:00:38:

I've had a pair of PTS for about 18 months now and was given 2 more PTS this week in hopes that I could make them do much better than before. To my surprise they both seemed healthy, besides the smaller one being a little thin and the larger one appearing to be blind. It was given to me by a gentleman who had it for four months and had purchased it knowing it was blind. Its VERY large and I'm suspicious of it being pregnant. To begin with, is blindness genetic in any way, whether it be a developmental problem, and if it is possible, do you think it would be innappropriate to keep this individual in a group where it could reproduce? i currently have the 2 new specimens in a seperate enclosure, but later when im sure that they are healthy and fairly sure they arent males (it sure is hard, as a side note i KNEW i had a pair until to my suprise my male was female and female was a male!) i would like to introduce them into a larger enclosure with my other PTS, but thats in the not so distant future. Also as a side, how soon after a PTS has slugs has anyone witnessed further breeding attempts? I observed my pair copulating about a week after the female dropped two large slugs. She still isnt quite as beefy as she was before her miscarriage, but she has gained in the 3-4 months since she dropped the slugs. Any input would be appreciated. Tks to all who reply,

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