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This is what I meant

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Posted by Jody P. on April 28, 2003 at 13:27:36:

In Reply to: This is what I meant posted by Edward on April 28, 2003 at 11:21:18:

I am aware of all of the blue tongues out there. I have seen so many color variations within each species it is crazy. I kind of thought the babies looked like indo's myself but I have not seen any indo's that change colors like these do. I will have to wait and see. I am not aware of anyone seeing babies so I do not want to rule them either way. I am aware of the reptile buisness reputation. I however imported these direct myself hoping to get around all of that. As far as I know these were taken from kei island same as the adults. The adults to me look like kei islands.

I hope I am lucky enough to get them to breed. I will keep posting updates. Thanks for the info. and don't worry no offense taken on any of the posts. I understand completely and am open minded.

:I think this is what Craig and I are trying to say. The pictures of the babies do not look like T. g. keiensis. The two adults you just posted DO look very much like keiensis. I'm not sure from what you wrote if you're familiar with it (if so, I don't mean to imply that you do not) but there are other T. gigas subspecies. T.g. gigas looks just like your babies -- very different from T.g. keiensis.
:Thanks for posting the pictures. It's always good to know who's got what out there. And I hope you take this as a helpful post. I simply do not believe those babies look anything like T.g. keiensis, regardless of where they were allegedly collected. I'm sure it will come as no surprise to you if you've been in the reptile business for a while that there is a great deal of misrepresentation that goes on, so you can never be 100% sure. Just the same, thanks for posting and best of luck with your animals.

:P.S. If you do ever breed T. g. keiensis, I think you would be the first to do so as far as I know. So I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

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