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speaking of heavy BTS...

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Posted by jess b on April 28, 2003 at 12:09:50:

In Reply to: Ultrasound on BTS.. and BTS weighing in posted by Craig Loose on April 25, 2003 at 13:33:36:

Remember every expanding Garth? (wts 614gm at 7/28/02, 822gm at 8/24/02, 909gm at 9/28/02, 1050gm 1/6/03) SO thought she was gravid, but then nothing ever happened... So she went on a diet. No tasty thawed pinkie treats, only fresh veg mixed with low cal dog food every 2-3 day with a few bug treats on top. Today she is 23" and weights 1122gm. Grrrr. Her appetite & activity level seem ok. I wonder if she is carrying a load of slugs. Maybe she just needs more excercise :)
jess b

I have a true monster at 27" and currently 1180 grams! She is on a diet though, as I feel she is a little too heavy.

:Weights of my skinks as of April 21 are as follows:
:Merauke female: 1180 grams
:IJ female: 770
:IJ female: 840
:IJ male: 690
:IJxMerauke male: 800
:IJxMerauke male: 820

:600 is perfectly acceptable depending on size and (sub)species. Obviously a 27" skink at 600 grams could be skiny, while a 17" skink would be great. All of mine are 21"++ so I feel the above weights are ok. (plus I believe that the two IJ females are gravid - increased in weight approximately 15% last 3 months)


::I had one done today to be sure of the sex and its a she as I expected. When I was at the vet they wieghed her and I was told 600 is that in Grams or Milograms....Forgive the stupidity..I was also wondering how that measures up to avg BTS in wieght ..I read a while back some of the weights but I forgot them, I know that James or Craig had that 27" monster on here and it was heavy.......
::Thanks Joey


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