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Quite simply, do not do it

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Posted by joeyjoh on April 25, 2003 at 23:16:04:

In Reply to: Quite simply, do not do it posted by Edward on April 25, 2003 at 13:04:56:

:What would be the benefits? Produce some babies so you can sell them? Poor reason. Why not get a female Irian Jaya and a male Northern for breeding purposes. To breed what you have because it's what you have is a very irresponsible reason for doing it.
:The potential harm? Diluting distinct genetic differences between these two "subspecies." (Irian Jayas may not even be T. scincoides; there is a good argument that they are T. gigas hybrids themselves.)
:If you are seriously interested in breeding them, get the right mate for each and best of luck. By the way, are you interested in selling your female Northern?

good reply consider it.. not done. I will get the appropriate mates. The only reason I got the IJ is because the store from which I bought him said he was captive bred and a northern. I was a little upset when I got him but he was in fair health and I couldn't bear to send him back. I put the blame on me. I was looking for the best price on the net. At least he is well taken care of now.

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