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Posted by jess b on April 25, 2003 at 01:52:40:

In Reply to: No... more posted by PHScales on April 24, 2003 at 15:25:17:

I will second the Proventimite vote- Dan used this safety and effectively on his male Archie when he turned up with mites a week after purchase. Depending on what kind of mites you are dealing with, the ease of getting rid of them will differ. If you have the dreaded snake mite (black mite) like Dan had- you may really need to use something like Proventimite. If you have red mites, the soaking might work. Either way- you will need to disinfect the environment as well. Don't use any ivermectin with your PTS. You can have your vet ID the mites if you are having difficulty dealing with them.
Jess b


:No, the mites don't affect warm-blooded animals, but will spread to any other reptiles you have. I strongly recommend using Proventamite spray. It's available at it won't hurt your skinks, and will kill the mites immediately. I had a PTS get mites once, along with 50 other herps, and one can of this wiped them out in about 20 minutes time (plus it killed the ant colony that had taken up residence in that room, that I didn't know about yet.)


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