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Temps and feeding

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Posted by iwana on April 22, 2003 at 06:44:37:

In Reply to: I'm not so sure that behavior is bad..... posted by J-Cal on April 21, 2003 at 21:43:13:

Yeah, that's pretty much the behavior I'm seeing, except I haven't seen them come out except for that one time, and they haven't touched their food (mealworm pupae and beetles).

Their temps are 75 (cool end) to 85 (warm end) during the day and room temperature (low 70s) at night. Humidity is always kept above 75%. They have to large hides at either end of the terrarium (one on cool end, one on warm end) and sphagnum moss everywhere else, plus a spider plant and pothos to help maintain humidity and create more hiding areas.

The male always stays in the hide at the warm end, but the female chooses to stay at the cool end. I'm not too worried yet because it's only been two days, but I'm wondering when I should start worrying, particularly about the fact that they're not feeding? Should I be checking them every day (i.e. uncovering the hide) or leave them alone for a while longer?


:Based on reading that I've done as well as experience with the pair that I've had for the past year, I'm tempted to say that Tribs hiding and not moving much is rather normal. Mine stay hidden throughout the majority of the day,come out around dusk and then go back to hiding They also tend to stay still a lot. I REALLY think its a defensive mechanism. Mine tend to bury themselves under drift wood and stay completely still even if i unearth them. If i stay for a while they perk up some and suddenly make a mad dash for the water. the same goes for handling, mine stay VERY still until they decide escape is safe and they try to take off.
:Out of curiosity what temp are you keeping them at? I've had mine simply at room temp on and off for the past 7 or so months and they seem to come out more, eat more and generally be more active without heat than when i used heating devices. My room temp is a little hotter than normal since i have heat lamps on my prehensile tails and pink tongue skinks, but I still wonder...Anyone else seen anything similar?

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