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Re: PTS Ultrasound Question

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Posted by jess b on April 19, 2003 at 21:33:09:

In Reply to: PTS Ultrasound Question posted by FritzW on April 18, 2003 at 19:52:45:

Me- It was very effective for my female- I tracked her from the first month to the month before. I will find my ultrasound post and re-post it. If your PTS is in fact gravid, and within a month or two of giving birth- get an x-ray done. The fetal skeletons will be calcified by this point, and you can see how many there are. Ultrasound towards the end was harder- the babies were so big, it was hard to tell what was what- but I could see they were alive and moving (you can see the hearts beating). Your vet surely will be honest about whether they think they can do a quality herp ultrasound- but again, I think X-ray would be more useful at this point for Grady. Ultrasound cost will vary depending on the practice- 75-200$. But you might be lucky and find someone who would do it for cheap or free, because it would be FUN!!! This is a bonus of having a good relationship with your local vet- has Grady been seen by any vets before?
Jess b

:Who on the forum has used ultrasound to determine if their PTS was pregnant? Was it an effective mode of determination? I have one female PTS (Grady)who looks to be quite large (possibly pregnant?). I observed Grady and the male (Tripp) mating last July and August, but would have expected young'uns by now if the gestation period is 7 months (which has been suggested, but not proven).

:Also, I'm not sure my herp. vet has an ultra sound. Would it even be worth the time to have a non-herp experienced vet do the ultrasound? How costly is an ultrasound as well?

:Thanks for all your help.

:PS-I'm located in Sarasota, Florida

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