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Re: Can anyone identify this Skink?

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Posted by Ophidiophile on April 12, 2003 at 18:38:12:

In Reply to: Re: Can anyone identify this Skink? posted by J-Cal on April 11, 2003 at 21:56:03:

I have narrowed it down to 2 genera - Eugongylus or Sphenomorphus. In either case, a herpetologist who happens to be writing a book on skinks of New Guinea feels it is a new species. (That would be "new" to European types anyway - the folks in PNG have been eating them for years!)

:Thats one kewl puppy. I agree that it cant be a galiwasp due to location, but the head structure from that picture is pretty close....the body reminds my of E. major, but that skink is a ton smaller than those get (im pretty sure). Might wanna try stuff in the Egernia genus (maybe its ergernia, but i forget the spelling :() Good luck and keep us posted!!

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