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Re: USPS are a bunch of idiots

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Posted by franklin edwards on January 27, 2003 at 14:29:28:

In Reply to: USPS are a bunch of idiots posted by dt1977 on January 22, 2003 at 19:42:43:

You need to make sure the package will arrive in 24 hours first. Sometime USPS will not gurentee overnight. USPS can go with out labing. I would go with UPS or FED-X

:I talked to USPS about shipping live reptiles. There first response was "that's illegal" than they transfered me to another department. i assured them it was legal.
:Than they told me they couldn't guarantee express overnight delivery because of Fedex's policies.
:So what's the deal.
:I can either ship them unmarked and have them arrive the next day or I can ship them labeled clearly and hope they make it to there destination before the heat pack runs out in 2-3 days.
:Not to mention my local post office won't even except the package if it is labeled, I would have to drive an hour out to a "hub".
:Anyone have problems shipping unlabeled animals in the past?
:I think the package probably gets beaten around regardless of rather its labeled correctly.
:anyone want to comment. what am I supposed to do?

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