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Delta is worth it...

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Posted by Mark_And_Aimee on December 05, 2002 at 12:41:45:

In Reply to: NEED HELP!! Best Way To Ship Bird!! posted by Mouse on December 04, 2002 at 10:37:19:

First - How much is this bird going to cost you? If it is a higher end bird (Macaw, Cockatoo, most Amazons), I am sure it is easily $500-1000. Is that not enough to justify the $150 from Delta?? I would not ship a bird any way other than same day air.


:I was wondering if anyone out there had any experiance shipping birds. I am looking at purchasing a bird out of California and having it shipped to North Carolina. I looked into Delta Dash but they want 153.00 to ship. I wasn't really wanting to spend that much on shipping if I didn't have to. I was wondering if there are any other airlines out there that ship fast and safely. I was wondering if anyone knew if Airborn Express will ship birds. I am just wondering what kind of options are out there. I have had Leopard Geckos shipped to me before but I used Priority Mail and that ended up taking two days ...definitly don't want to do that with a bird. If anyone out there has any suggestions i would really love to hear them. IF you don't want to post.. you can email me at

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