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heat packs/ how cold does it get in UPS planes?

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Posted by dancetoday on November 28, 2002 at 10:47:51:

I've been shipping some beardie babies but it's getting colder now and I need to make a decision about two I'm shipping out tomorrow. The high here (Arkansas) will be 57 and the low 38. I'm shipping to southern Florida so there's no problem there. I have 48 hour heat packs. I've never gotten very good information about UPS about how much time they spend outdoors or in warehouses once they're off the truck. They are good about doing the last pickup here for me, so that isn't the problem. So if they aren't on the truck long here, do you think I need to use a heat pack at all? I don't want them to cook with a heat pack indoors and in southern Florida. But I dont want them sitting in a warehouse somewhere in 38 degrees either. Thanks. -Lucy

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