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Re: Shipping USPS....

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Posted by asuncion7 on November 12, 2002 at 11:30:38:

In Reply to: Re: Shipping USPS.... posted by evankh on September 19, 2002 at 20:45:30:

As far as UPS goes, it is difficult to ship with them if you aren't a big business. I only ship a small amount and they want to charge me weekly when i only ship about once a month, no only that you have to a a verified account and whatnot, it's a lot more hassle than it seems. Not only that but not all the employees are aware of the fact that you can ship live animals and they give huge hassles

:I've decided to go with UPS. What I understand is it isn't illegal through UPS. is this true? I still need to know how to label it. Thanks

::Like I said in the other forum, DO NOT ship through USPS. The idiots in the python forum have no idea what they are talking about, it is a FEDERAL OFFENCE. Why would someone ship this way when it is totally unnecessary? A door-to-door shipping company will work fine for you, just as it does for everyone else who buys/sells snakes over the internet. I'm sorry if this sounds mean, but I'm only trying to prevent you from committing a crime, unlike the geniuses in the python forum who suggested committing a federal offence.

::Dan Camara


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