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Posted by franklin edwards on November 08, 2002 at 23:55:50:

In Reply to: Shipping To Canada from the US? posted by Reptile World on November 08, 2002 at 20:41:11:

The best thing to do is call AirBorne international shipping customer service. I have shipped once to Canada. They do want paper work for where the animal came from you also need to supply 3 invoices with the contents of the package. These need to be placed on the outside of the package in a clear reseable slip. One is for the customer, one for customs, and one for the taxes they will have to pay on the package. I live close enough to the border that I can drive accross and ship from there which is the same as shipping in the US. The best thing is call the carriers customer service and they wil help out alot that is what I did the first time.

:I have a customer that lives in Canada. I have never sent an animal international before, and I am not sure what kind of paperwork I will need, if any. The animal is non venomous and legal in his area (spiny tail monitor).

:I was origionaly planing on just sending him by Airborne Express International Overnight, since Airborne accepts any non venomous cold blooded animal.

:People with experiance, please help. Should I just send him overnight with airborne and mark the box perishable or fragile? or should I wait and see what paperwork I need? Thanks.

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