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Shipping reptiles to Venezuela, have a few ?s

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Posted by Dracaena828 on October 08, 2002 at 19:22:31:

I am moving to Venezuela in February and want to take my reptiles (a baby western hognose, adult kenyan sand boa, and adult bearded dragon) with me if possible. I called the airline and they said they can't travel with me as pets, but can be shipped with their cargo department. Called cargo and found out that there is no way to get them from Sacramento to Venezuela in one day, they would have to overnight in either Dallas or Miami. I am pretty sure this would be okay for the snakes, but would it be okay for my dragon? I am also unsure on what to do about heat packs. It would be cold here when they left, but not so much in Miami I'm guessing and definately not in Caracas. Would it be best to send them with heat packs anyway? Also, anyone who has had experience shipping reptiles internationally, any info or tips you have would be very much appreciated. I will be moving back in a few years and would bring them back with me. None are endangered or protected species and as far as I have been able to find out, I think it shouldn't be a problem bringing them into the States, but again, any advice here is welcomed. Thanks for any help,

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