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Again...shipping by UPS ?..Legal by the website......

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Posted by mchambers on September 03, 2002 at 10:15:34:

I have a package coming by UPS ( non-animals ) . I was giving a on-line tracking system of my package and on the website i started to check in on restrictions and prohibited shipping items. It states that they DO NOT ship living animals out of country but doesn't list IN country shipping live animlas as a restriction. If you call one of the main head offices ( mine was Lenexa Kansas at one time ) they said they DO NOT ship live animals within the US as a employee told me. But at my one time hub of Appleton City Mo. they not only picked up at the hub my live animals but also delivered live animals to my past address. Go check out the website for UPS and see if I'm missing something here and why do they tell you that they don't ship animals when they do or it doesn't say they don't on the website.


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