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Re: I have some questions about Northwest Air Cargo!!

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Posted by Matt Harris on July 30, 2002 at 14:00:33:

In Reply to: I have some questions about Northwest Air Cargo!! posted by DBZchick7 on July 27, 2002 at 20:23:27:

:I searched through the forum and got lots of older posts so the status may have changed...

:Does Northwest Air Cargo require you to be a verified shipper? If so is it as difficult to get that status as Delta?
:What is the base price for all cold-blooded animal shipments? I couldn't find it on the website... :/
:What would be the gerneal opinion on them compared to the other air shippers? Like delta or us airways?

NW Air Cargo does not require you to be a known shipper. However You do need to arrange the shipment at least 48 hours in advance and use the normal cargo(not their priority service for doggies and cats). Also, only certain airports accept venomous so it'd be a good idea to call the national number and have them connect to the terminal you want to verify that the specific terminal accepts snakes. I was told by national that NW accepts hot snakes, then called Allentown(LVI) and was told differently, and then had the national cargo office call LVI and their people got a hold of each other and were at a difference of opinion.

Nonetheless I now ship hots from Newark Int'l. Airport(with special permission from NJ Div. of Fish & Wildlife). So in a nutshell, I like NW Air Cargo....they appreciate your business!!!

Hope it helps

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