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Re: Poll - UPS vs Fed Ex

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Posted by Ric on June 06, 2002 at 06:21:50:

In Reply to: Re: Poll - UPS vs Fed Ex posted by stunt on May 10, 2002 at 20:21:58:

: Believe me when I say this: "You don't want to ship any animals of any kind through FedEx ground. I work at FedEx from 12 am to 6 am loading trucks and I know first hand what the boxes go through. They get smashed, kicked, jumped on, thrown across the docks, etc. Im not braging about it, nor am I am happy about it, but its the only way it can be done with the amount of time we have to load. So many boxes so little time to put them where they belong. So we resort to throughing some of them to where they belong. (are company is pretty fast though)So Please, dont ship your reptile friends through there. I have had good luck with airborn express in the past with all of my turtles.

: : Airborne screwed me over and overcharged me $20 for shipping a package and no way on USPS. Should I use UPS or Fex Ex? UPS supposedly allows live animals now, but they seem more lax than most companies. I've heard Fed Ex runs is more efficient and on the ball. I've used each company only once, and from the one time...I was more happy w/ Fed Ex. What are your opinions?

I shipped a small harmless pyro via UPS. I indicated on box "Harmless Reptiles" The box was opened by UPS authorities at the Portland Hub Scan. They called my customer and refused to move the snake from the airport. After much debate, I drove 850 miles to retrive the snake.
Since 9-11 new scanners were added and security made ridiculis. They then wrote me a letter stating loose snakes on a plane would cause panic and their rules strickly forbid it.

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