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shipping via UPS

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Posted by Geary Smith on May 29, 2002 at 13:53:59:

I just thought I'd share my latest experience with shipping a snake via UPS overnight. I tried to ship a snake to a customer last week, and for the first time UPS opened the box. I don't even know how many I've shipped before this. I'll admit that I did lie about the contents and I didn't mark anything on the box (seems to be the way most people do it). Anyway, after much arguing with both the 800 # and the drop off location, I was told to come and pick it up from the original drop off location. In the course of trying to get the snake back, I found that UPS employees are not well informed on the company's policies. It seemed like every other person I talked to said shipping animals (even snakes) was okay, and the other half said no animals were allowed. I think I finally got a straight answer from a member of management at a regional office. He told me that you can ship snakes, BUT you have to go through a large amount of paperwork, special arrangements must be made (he wouldn't get too specific on what these were), and it would cost about twice as much (making the cost comparable to Delta Dash).The only "punishment" I received was that they kept the shipping cost.


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