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News & Events:
Posted by JDM on May 16, 2002 at 21:33:26:
I saw this posted on one of the snake forums today. I dont know its source and I have not yet investigated to see if this is actually happening, but it does look promising:
This Alert is being sent to members and friends of
> the American Livestock
> Breeds Conservancy. You may know that ALBC has been
> supporting legislative
> efforts to retain the ability of breeders and
> hatcheries to ship live birds.
> This ability is critical to the conservation of
> endangered breeds of
> poultry, to the ability of independent farmers and
> fanciers to exchange
> breeding stock, and to the producers of free-range,
> organic, natural, and
> pastured poultry.
> Don Bixby, Executive Director
> May 15, 2002
> "WHAT'S HAPPENIN" by Stephen Boynton
> On May 13, 2002, the President signed the "Farm
> Bill" that contained "our"
> amendment that removed the June 30, 2002 limitation
> on the authority of the
> United States Postal Service (USPS) to "assess, as
> postage to be paid by
> mailers of any shipments...a reasonable surcharge
> the Postal Service
> determines in its discretion to be adequate to
> compensate air carriers for
> any necessary additional expenses incurred in
> handling...air mail shipments
> of day old poultry, honey bees, and other such live
> animals as postal
> regulations allow to be transmitted as mail matter."
> The Agriculture,
> Conservation and Rural Enhancement Act of 2002-H.R.
> 2646 Sec. 1060. The
> animal rights organization, again, opposed our
> efforts but, that "minor,"
> but important amendment, will be added to what
> became law with our amendment
> last fall to the Appropriations Bill for Treasury
> and Other Governmental
> Agencies that gives the USPS the authority to
> require any air carrier to
> accept such shipments except those air carriers "who
> commonly and regularly
> refuses to accept any live animals as cargo." 39 USC
> §5402(d)(2).
> We are now, therefore, in Phase III whereby we will
> seek legislation to
> require air carriers to take all live animals by air
> cargo transport. One of
> the remaining problems with the current law is that
> Federal Express, that
> took over the Eagle Air Flight Program of the USPS,
> claims that it
> is exempted from the law since it "commonly and
> regularly refuse to accept
> any live animal cargo." It is true that Federal
> Express refuses to carry
> some live animals but it does, in fact, carry live
> animals as cargo. We are
> currently building a coalition of organizations that
> would support
> the effort including the American Kennel Club, Joint
> Advisory Pet Council,
> Cat Fanciers Association, organizations from various
> bird interests, the
> medical community and others. It is our intention to
> have the legislation
> introduced in 2002 but realize it probably will not
> be acted upon before the
> Congress adjourns this fall. We shall be ready to
> press forward when the new
> Congress convenes in January 2003.
> Michele Brane
> American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
> PO Box 477
> Pittsboro, NC 27312
> mbrane@albc-usa.org
> (919) 542-5704 FAX (919) 545-0022
> www.albc-usa.org
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