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Re: Honesty is the Best Policy

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Posted by Neal on April 20, 2002 at 22:30:51:

In Reply to: Re: Honesty is the Best Policy posted by Samia Salik on April 19, 2002 at 10:32:25:

The Lacey Act does not require such labeling of "legal" animals. The following is taken from a summary of the Lacey Act.

The Lacey Act, as amended in 1981, makes it illegal to partake in the trade of fish, wildlife, or plants taken in violation of any U.S. or Indian tribal law, treaty, or regulation as well as the trade of any of these items acquired through violations of foreign law. The Secretary of Commerce is authorized to issue regulations including, but not limited to, cooperating with the Secretary of the Interior for the marking and labeling of packages containing fish or wildlife. This Act does not apply to the interstate shipment, through Indian country or a State, of any fish or wildlife or plant legally taken if the shipment is en route to a State in which the fish or wildlife or plant may be legally possessed.

Now, if you're shipping a Bullsnake from Missouri to someone in another state, you're in violation of the act, because it's illegal to buy/sell/trade native Missouri species.

There is no federal regulation requiring labeling of live reptile shipments that I can find.

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