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Posted by Dana on April 16, 2002 at 12:58:54:

In Reply to: PACKAGING Baby Bearded Dragons???ALL INFO is GREATLY NEEDED! posted by Jeff on April 14, 2002 at 22:56:04:

i wouldnt sell and much less ship any dragon that is under a month old. most breeders raise dragons for at least 6 weeks before selling and shipping--this way they have a good start, are of adequate size, well fed (babies need to be fed at least 3x per day), supplemented, and are monitored for health. only then should you consider shipping the healthy ones--just two weeks doesnt give you enough time to monitor and know you have healthy babies--remember, a lot of these dragons will go to people with little experience, tossing a 2 week old dragon that needs constant food and attention onto them is often a death sentence. (this is why it is not so easy to make a buck in this biz, lol--baby dragons take tons of time and food!!!!).

shipping: pack each dragon individually in a deli cup--large enough for them to turn around, but not so big so they would get tossed around. pack deli cups well in crumpled paper or packing materials. this goes inside a styrofoam cooler or cut styrofoam insulation. use heat packs as needed--only buy 48 hr heat like unisource--you get these at a reptile supply place--dont use cheapie foot warmers from walmart--they do not last. poke a couple holes for air (they really dont need much). all of this fits tightly into a cardboard box. label the box well on all sides and ship overnight.
hope this helps.

: Hi!Well,my Bearded Dragons are all starting to "Fire" up those Hormones,and get to Mating,and they have already started!Matter a fact,the first clutch of the season just hatched last week!So,in about two weeks of me raising these little hatchlings,they will be ready to be sold to Individuals accross the U.S.A!So,heres MY PROBLEM,I have never shipped an animal before!????I have always been skeptical about shipping,but,now I think I should "give it a whirl".So the simple question I ask you all is to PLEASE tell me how to Safely Package,and Ship a Bearded Dragon????YOU dont know how much I appreciate all INFO...!!!!


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