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Re: Refund?

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Posted by Dana on April 16, 2002 at 12:47:11:

In Reply to: Re: Refund? posted by Rick on April 13, 2002 at 08:27:24:

$25 is actually cheap for a shipping cost. most people charge around $30 (i do). you have to take into consideration several things.
materials--boxes, styrofoam, heat, deli cups not only take money--but take time to gather. you have to go to a different store for each of those items. and many items are not easy to find, believe it or not. if you do not order from a reptile supply company, you are lucky to find one store in town that sells deli cups of different sizes. if you do order from a reptile supply company, you pay shipping costs there too. even a used box is not always a piece of cake to find (have you ever moved--you have to go all over town collecting boxes). you also have to take into consideration the time it takes to pack and ship. i know we have to drive to the airport to ship our usps reptiles--that is at least 30 minutes away. shipper also takes responsibility for live arrival--you are paying for that as well. imho, shipping is a real pain in the you know what. i'd do shows anyday over shipping. $25 is more than fair.

: I understand where your coming from but what i got was a used box and some scrap styrofoam and some of the smallest heat packs i've ever seen, that also weren't even warm, i did get deli cups that i think cost about 30 cents,but anyway to me that would have been said upfront on a box charge

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