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Shipping Regs

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Posted by Renegade Reptiles on February 18, 2002 at 10:54:30:

I'm just curious to know if there is any one(or group) that is trying to get any of these carriers (UPS, FedEx Airborne, etc.)to legally ship snakes?? It seems that there are enough people in this growing industy, to carry a little weight with these corporate giants. I saw , somewhere one the web, that someone was trying to get them to ship live reptiles, but I don't remember where, or who, it was. If there isn't some one trying to do this....maybe we should be. Instead of complaining about it!! I recently talked with Loren from LLL Reptile, and even they have problems with UPS. He said that he would interested in any effort to try and legalize reptile shipments.
I would think that PIJAC or PARC could organize some type of petition or lobbying effort on behalf of reptile breeders. It could translate into millions of dollars for a carrier that was willing to ship live reptiles. That should be incentive enough for one of them to consider it.
If anyone has information on some one that is working on this problem, I would like to hear about it. It's time we, as an industry, try to get something done about this!!

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