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Re: January meeting

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Posted by genaroleon on January 16, 2003 at 09:36:01:

In Reply to: Re: January meeting posted by sdboa on January 15, 2003 at 14:20:48:

WONDERFUL!! now that im a little older, im wanting to take my snake ownership to a new level. Im hoping to puchase a couple more snakes in the near future with the possibily of finding a mate for one of my older snakes. Ill see everyone at the Meeting

:Hello there. Let me answer your questions. The meeting is on the 23rd @ 7pm. You can come to the meeting and sign up for membership there. The meeting will be held at the Otto Center and not in the Zoo itself. To get to the Otto Center go to the Zoo exit and go past it going towards the park and its the circular building.

::Ive visited the main SDHS webpage and have tried to become a member for quite some time now. The link to the "Membership Form" has not been working for a long long time. I just now siged up to post comments on this forum and would very much like to attend the meeting scheduled for the 17th (it would be myself and my girlfriend). I have had my snakes for about 4 years now, and my faciniation is turning to obsession =). I notice that this meeting is going to be inside the zoo ?? im assuming we would have to pay to gain entrance... is this correct ?


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