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New idea for BRB owners (multiple pictures inside)

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Posted by Paul Spencer on July 14, 2001 at 22:12:54:

Hi all,
I've recently discovered a substrate called Dri-Dek that seems ideal for humidity loving reptiles. The stuff was made to walk on around pools, but it works great in snake cages too :) It comes in a bunch of sizes and colors, and can be easily cut with a kitchen knife to fit. Thing is ... it's about 1/2" tall, so if you're using a UTH, you can put water under it and let the UTH heat the water and create max humidity, while the animal stays dry. I thought I would share the idea with others, the substrate has some other awesome properties, but you can find out more by following the link if you like. Let me also say that I am in NO WAY affiliated with the maker, manufacturer or distributor! I just thought it was pretty cool and wanted to share the info with you all too :)
Here's a few pics ...

Male BRB sitting on the dri-dek, the water level is a bit high, but you get the idea!

I also made a "hide log" out of a spare piece ... it's smooth on one side and rough enough on the inside to help when shed time comes ... am I thinking too hard? haha!

Tell me that this doesn't create humidity! The humidity meter has been pegged at 100% for 2 days now ... I think he's in heaven :)

If anyone has a question about Dri-Dek, or my BRB "Ra", or anything else .. feel free to give a shout out! :)

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