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Posted by SteveS on July 12, 2001 at 12:52:04:

The San Diego Herpetological Society needs you!! We need the membership of SDHS to step up and give us a hand in not only keeping this society afloat, but making changes now that will elicit growth for the future. Lets me honest, SDHS has only been able to barely keeps its head above water for sometime now, and its all that the small board can do right now (theres only 4 of us). The board is doing all we can, but we need some serious participation and interest from you guys! Because of the diligent dedication of Ed Pirog, we have the newsletter back on track, but we need articles, and book reviews, and news from you guys! WE WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU GUYS ARE UP TO! I know some of you are working with some very interesting herps, and we want to know about it. Some of you are travelling and herping in some interesting places, and we want to hear about it. Please contact Ed pirog at to submit anything to the newsletter.
Im sure many of you have seen the website and can see that it stinks, for lack of a better word. I have tried my best within my pitiful powers as a webmaster to keep it current. As you can tell, i know little to nothing of how to maintain a website; SDHS NEEDS A WEBMASTER!!
Do the herpers of San Diego want more and better quality publications? Do they want more field trips, and picnics? Do they want an SDHS show? Then its time to get off the fence, pay your dues, and contribute to the future of the San Diego Herpetological Society!
Finally, i would like to recognize those who have stepped up and taken their valuable time out for SDHS. Jack Stafford, who guided through some tough paperwork, Richard Plock who has maintained the SDHS membership for years now, and Dave Phillips ate Sunlight Press, who not only prints our news;etters at a huge discount, but also printed our new (and snazzy) membership application/brochures for free! Many great thanks to those men, and for the rest of you for your time. Thank You!
Stephen Steward, President.

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