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Abronia graminea husbandry questions

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Posted by meatorchid on August 22, 2001 at 11:32:51:

hi. i have a LTC pair of these lizards (i've had them 3 years; got 'em from someone who had them for a year), and although i've seen breeding behavior on several occasions ("caught 'em in the act," you might say), no offspring have resulted.

basic setup: 20 x 20 x 48 inch high screen enclosure; bed-a-beast and green moss substrate kept damp, grapewood branches and cork tubes for climbing and hiding, live plants (mainly pothos, vanilla vine, and ass'td bromeliads) added and replaced when the lizards tear them up. 2 - 48" UVB fluorescent bulbs about 8" above the top of the cage. temps range from high 60's at night to about 80 by day, occasionally a degree or two above that; humidity is kept as high as i can manage it - aiming for 70-80%, usually coming close to that, at least for a few hours a day. crickets, silkworms, young brazilian roaches, wild-harvested moths and other insects given several times per week, dusted once a week with MinerAll I, and once every two to three weeks with herptivite.

i've heard both yes and no to: high calc/D supplementation, lower supplementation, basking lights, no basking lights, higher UV, lower UV (i currently have zoo med 5.0 bulbs on them), separation of m & f, keeping the couple together...

i'm a little hesitant to take them outside, since i live in eastern washington state now (formerly seattle, where they spent a day or two a week outdoors), and it's a little too hot and unpredictable over here.

anyone bred them successfully? what did you do differently than me? my routine is apparently a good one, since i've had them a while now (3 years, as mentioned) and they look pretty good (the male had some kinks in his tail - which is regenerated - when i got him; they're still there but a little bit straighter than they were), though the lack of offspring suggests it could be better...

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