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Help! My tree frog is sick!!!! :(

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Posted by Mariel on January 15, 2001 at 01:07:04:

Hello everyone-

I have a Mexican masked tree frog who is very sick. The
following are some of his symptoms: lack of appetite, bloating, extension of hind legs, hind muscle spasms (only happens when I move him to clean his water), and listlessness. Please help! He hasn't eaten in about three weeks and he's very weak. I took him to a vet (he doesn't specialize in frogs, but he gave me the medicine tetracycline to treat him with), and my family and I are trying everything in our power to help him. We've had him for almost a year, and I have a feeling that this was caused by unsanitary conditions (possibly feces in the tank that my sister and I may have missed when cleaning the water???), and I feel bad enough as it is to see him suffer. I almost started crying just looking at him because I felt so helpless. What should I do? I tried to see if he would eat baby crickets (I didn't force feed since that is not recommended unless done by a herp vet), but he wouldn't eat.
I would really appreciate any advice anyone can give me. I have looked at many frog sites online as well as frog books in bookstores. I don't want to give up just yet.

Thank you all,
Mariel :)

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