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South american research

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Posted by Ben on October 05, 2000 at 11:22:57:

Sometime during my holidays during the next few years I am hoping to travel to South America to carry out some personal herpetological research. I will hopefully be travelling with a fellow student from here in Sheffield, who may or may not have similar interests. As this is only in the planning stage currently the exact details of research are not known yet (anything from boas, venomous to caimans). I have been talking with my tutor about this earlier and he thinks that this will be a great idea. I was wondering if anyone knows of anyone who is either in s. America or has done research there, any groups or individuals etc. These can be either from here in the UK or any where else in the world. If you do would it be possible to give me emails, addresses, phone no.s. I want to talk through procedures, possible topics etc. Also anyone here is free to put forward a possible point of research, it can have been done before, but providing it is within my interests, can be achieved in about 8weeks, I dont mind. Also any good book titles (available in the uk) on previous research , south American herpetological fauna- would be good to know also. I have a couple but would like to do some further reading. Please email me!!


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