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Re: Breeding: What humidity % should be used in incubator?

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Posted by jcbw1 on October 16, 2002 at 21:26:37:

In Reply to: Breeding: What humidity % should be used in incubator? posted by Gecko2525 on October 15, 2002 at 14:07:28:

What I do is place the eggs in a deli cup type container and only poke 1 or 2 pinholes in it. I use perlite as a medium and wet it down until you can feal it is saturated. I dont usualy have to re moisten the perlite but this may vary. I also use a home built incubator which doesnt get warmer then 80 degrees. i feel it is best to incubate at room temp or 79 degrees to improve the chances of producing females. I have had very good hatch rates close to 100% and all of them hatch healthy. The most important things to remember are to keep it moist or the babies wont beable to break out, and to not let the temperature get over 84 degrees. hope this helps
Mike Weaver
:I have a digital humidity/temperature box in my incubator and I know you have to moisten the vermuculite slightly, but roughly what should the humidity percentage be inside the incubator. I can't find this answer anywhere I though you people could help me out.

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