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Posted by Raymond Moreno on October 13, 2002 at 16:15:09:

In Reply to: I never see abby in her humid hide, how often do yours...... posted by STARMOM on October 13, 2002 at 07:59:32:

Hey Sue,

as you well know, I'm still a newbie to all this cresty stuff. But from the little that I have seenn from "Sticky," he thinks he's a BEARDED DRAGON or something.

I say that because he will not hide-out much from the Reptisun 5.0, or the Chromalux incandescent lights. He actually likes to bask in the mild heat. (He's a "die-hard" Californian now). Ha ha.

I also designed and built a "moist area" for him to use...but saw that the humidity in his enclosure was fine if kept between 65% and 80% humidity - with 80% humidity being the super-heaviest. (Any more than that, and the window starts to fog-up pretty heavy). And if it gets to around 85% to 90% humidity, I'll open-up the top of the cage a bit more to let the moisture out, hence dropping the humidty levels. (At 90% humidity, the water starts forming into droplets, and starts to run down the glass, which is a "no-no").

Anyways, about the "moist area"...he doesn't use it, which is pretty funny.

You see, he'll hide his head in between a few leaves while leaving the rest of his body exposed to the lights. I guess he thinks that if he can't see me, I can't see him. (Funny, huh)? So all you see is his butt sticking-out, with his head covered by foliage. What a dork!! (Ha ha).

At first I thought that he was UN-intentially doing this (being young and all, and not knowing how to PROPERLY thermo-regulate himself). But I realized that he actually prefers this method of thermo-regulation, and does it intentionally. (I know this for for a fact, because when he does get too hot, he'll go to the bottom of the cage (where it's cooler), and kick-back in some serious shade.

As for the shedding...if you're keeping the humidity that high, I wouldn't even worry about it. (Cuz that's REALLY, REALLY, high humidity).

Myself, I keep his cage temperature at a constant 80 to 84 degrees, and mist-down his cage three to four times a day. (And give the night-time misting an exceptionally good soaking). And since I am sure that he is receiving the proper amount of moisture, I do not worry about his shedding AT ALL.(Although as a good "gecko-daddy," I'll keep a look-out for any stuck or un-shed patches of skin - which I've yet to find).

Hope this helped. (Although it may be incorrect, it's what's working for this "newby daddy").

And in closing, use bottled or filtered water, as this is also what they will be drinking from.

Tschuss. (German for, "See you later").

In Christ: Raymond

:use theirs?
:She abby just weird? any ideas for me? Im concerned about her shedding. I do mist her home twice a day and try to keep the humidity up in the 80-90% range........
:could use some ideas....

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