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Well.. They´re everithing but what I anticipated.. (pics)

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Posted by obeligz on October 09, 2002 at 15:39:01:

In Reply to: are the new leachies? more> posted by Brandon on October 08, 2002 at 16:12:59:

Hi Brandon.
I thought they they´d be mid-sized since they were onlky 2yrs old and not adults yet. When I pivked the up I was amazed. The female is 11" and the male is 12.2" (total length).
I was also very surprised to find out that CF [darkmorph] leachies aren´t dark all the time. My female is *white* during daytime if she´s basking in the light.
Whitch brings me to the next good news.
I was told that they were very shy and rarely were seen during bthe day. Well true enough for the male but the female however is often out during the day.
This lead me to another discovery. Leachies (at leact my CF leachies) have photosensitive skin. The pigment of their skin is influences by light to some extent. One day I saw my CF female hiding in some foliage, the parts of her body that were in the shade were very dark whereas the parts of her body tht were exposed to the light were almost white.

The pic didn´t come out nice but it shows what I mean..

The misting system I ordered for their terarium hasn´t arrived yet. I don´t think that it will eigther. :o( (What a way to make buisness..
I think that I will order another misting system from a Danish supplier instead, it is slightly more expensive but I think that the service and cousomer handling shopuld be much better.

The mouring gecko hatchlings that I put in the tank are still doing well.
They seem to be growing nicely. I´m unable to count them in the terarium but I see some of them regulrly. 4 that I know of have formed their own territories and I see them regularly. So far I *think* that none of the 10 hatchlings I put in there have been eaten by the leachies. The leachies have been in there for about 2 weeks now so I´m kinda starting to get my hopes up for the mouring geckoes. :o)

Here is a headshot of my male CF leachie.

Leachies are my passion and I love talking about them. I´ll help you out with everything I can but I´ve only kept them for a year or so and never bred any.
Looking forward to seeing some pics of your new animal, Yoshi? :o)
I´m happy to hear that he started eating right away.

:How are the new Cf leachies? Good? What about the cage you built, how's that working for them? Did you ever get your misting system?

:About new leachies, i'm so happy...i bought my first one this weekend. Thanks for all your help and answering my annoying e-mails for such a long time, youve made me much more confident about the little guy. I will post some pics tonight, and talk a little more about him...

:Hope all your animals are doing good~


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