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Posted by geekogeek on October 08, 2002 at 20:15:42:

In Reply to: Yup! Abby too......this is what I do....... posted by STARMOM on October 08, 2002 at 19:04:39:

:I wrote to the breeder that I got abby from because I was worried about her, almost NEVER see her eat crix, im sure she does I only witnessed it once....

:but in the evening every other day I coax her out to my hand when things are quiet in the house (kids asleep etc) and have my baby food ready let her "jump" around and play for a minute and then I put alittle baby food on the tip of my finger and touch it gently to her snout and she will start licking it....

:at first she was scared but she is getting alittle bit bolder sometimes and more comfortable.......It make ME feel better to see her eat something, she will leave "lick lines" in the baby food but not every day...

:Im looking foward to her getting a bit bigger and being a better eater.....unlike my leopard gecko babys the same age that are TOTAL PIGS and they go crazy and hunt those crix down and the mealies..

:anyone giving small waxies to crestys? (ive read NOT to give young crestys mealies so I havent)


::My baby cresteds dont seem to eat much either, also hes new so let him have some time to adjust, they just dont seem to eat a lot but mine are still fine. You can feed meat baby food, im not sure what kind but i do know some people keep their cresteds on a baby food diet, meat and fruit baby foods is all they eat.


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