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Re: Question for the breeders....

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Posted by Gecko_King on October 08, 2002 at 00:58:56:

In Reply to: Re: Question for the breeders.... posted by Tegan on October 07, 2002 at 19:20:48:

Souds like that egg is bad. Don't give up, you are doing it correctly. If this is your gecko's first clutch, they often go bad. You will have babies soon. You won't belive how small they are when they first hatch. When using vermiculite, if you can ball it up in your hands and squeeze water out, it may be to moist. Even starting with the vermiculite fairly dry, it soon looks like a rainstorm in the egg box.
Good luck
:It's been incubateing since 9/20 so it's only 17 days old. I was pretty sure it was bad but I wanted to make double sure before I tossed it.

:I have them in tupperwares with two small holes drilled in the lids (for air exchange while still keeping humidity up). They are in a 1-1 mix of vermic and water by weight. And are being incubated at 78-75 degrees.

:It's my first time breeding so I'm not surpised I lost an egg, heck I wouldn't be suprised if I lost all the eggs. Live and learn!


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