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No need to I agree with you as always =)….np

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Posted by mikecoscia on May 11, 2003 at 09:03:54:

In Reply to: Crested Q's...... posted by en on May 10, 2003 at 22:22:36:

:Here's my advice, Mike...feel free to chime in if you feel it's needed

:1. The only spare tank i have right now is a 20 gallon high. Im going to have paper towel as substrate, and im going to feed the fruits and crix out of a bowl...anyway, is this tank too big? Will it stress the baby? Or is it "the bigger, the better"?

: A 20 gallon is way too big for a hatchling crested and is probably a suitable enclosure for an adult. If you don’t have any smaller glass tanks, don’t be afraid to use those little sweater boxes or “sterilite” containers that you can buy at Target or Walmart. That’s what I use for my younger animals, and not only is it sensible, but it’s economical and a better, more secure habitat for a young gecko.

:2. What percentage and schedule of foods should i feed it? ex. 50% (fruits,babyfood)/50% (crickets)? 25%/75%? 75%/25%?

: 25% to 75% sounds fine. If you want to a full cricket diet would be fine, but I assume that most people would rather use the fruit too. It’s heavily debated but as long as their getting the required protein to grow they’re ok. And bowl feeding is definitely the way to go.

:3. I've heard not to feed it citrus this true? If so, can anyone please write out a list of acceptable fruits i can feed it? (Or what type of babyfood)

: Not many people actually know why not to feed citrus fruits, but I assume that they don’t show interest in them as well as possible ill-side effects. It’s easier to just avoid them all together. Finally, for babyfoods, I usually don’t use babyfood because of the exorbitant amounts of sugar…but it’s really your choice. If you don’t want to give babyfood just buy a couple mangos and bananas and let them get squishy. Then throw them in the blender and freeze them into ice cube trays… and thaw out a cube when need be. Or just go with the babyfood and try different flavors. I usually use papaya, banana apple, Hawaiian delight, use your imagination. You’ll come up with something.

:Good Luck


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