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Re: Question for Crested Gecko.

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Posted by on October 01, 2002 at 08:43:20:

In Reply to: Question for Crested Gecko. posted by RHACO-JACKO on September 30, 2002 at 15:43:30:

:I Know I had posted this question earlier to Bobby Pruett (waiting for him to get back to me), but in the interim I thought your input may shed some light. I witnessed 3 groups of my cresteds copulating on 8/23/02 and a 4th group on 8/26/02, but Iam stumped as to why I have not seen them drop eggs yet (its been more than 30 days). I know breeders say their cluthches will be spread out every 28 to 30 days, but what Iam trying to find out does that period hold true for 1st time copulation after they had come out of cooling. Please shed some light. Just a note - The temps have dropped here recently, but my enclosures still hold 70-72F and the cresteds are eating as normal. I guess what Iam trying to find out is once you have witnessed copulaion have your females gone beyond 30 days before they dropped eggs.

It seems to me that your cage temperatures are a bit too low. I keep my cresteds at about 78-80 during the day with about a 5-7 degree drop at night. Keeping them in the low 70s constantly, may turn off their reproduction, or in this case, keep it from starting. Just because the geckos mated, doesn't necessarily mean eggs will be produced. If its too cool, she may not be cycled for breeding. I bet if you increased those cage temps you'd have eggs in no time. Good luck!

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