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there is nothing cuter or goofer than a cresty...nt

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Posted by STARMOM on April 13, 2003 at 20:17:47:

In Reply to: Crested Question posted by ZEB70 on April 13, 2003 at 09:23:04:

:Hi, just posted on the regular gecko forum....but then found this one :) I just purchased my first Crestie and I AM IN LOVE!!!! OMG, they are so cute. I am certain that when I say my first, there will be more in my future

:Question: are all other fruits, besides citrus OK to give them? My guy is just a little wee thing, I have a bunch of itty bitty pinhead crickets and some peach baby food, some ripe cantalope, bananas and grapes. I have layed out a buffet for them (have two for today only, got one for a friend). Does this all sound ok?

:Substrate is Zoo-Med Repi-bark and I have some Jungle plants in there. One seems to be hiding at the floor of the enclosure and the other is being spiderman, climbing all over the place. I was lucky enough when I picked them up from the breeder he fed them and they both ate a cricket. So I do know they have appetites.

:Also, I have to pick which one to keep...should I take the really active one or the shy one? Are both normal behavour? Also, one is more of a gray with a few black spots and the other is almost the colour of my bark(reddish) Will they stay basically the same colour they are now or do they change as they get older?

:Thanks for any info :)

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